Tuesday, March 23, 2010


For the first weekend of spring break, Christian and I took a last minute trip to Dallas to see my friends Philip & Shea. I miss both of them terribly since they've moved back to Dallas, and airfarewatchdog.com recently posted a $75 round trip Tulsa-Dallas fare. If you haven't subscribed to your nearby airports' feeds via that site, do so immediately! Our plane was delayed, and we had to go through some nasty weather getting out of Tulsa. I'm almost certain that Christian ended up with some fingertip-shaped bruises on his knee from me gripping it through all the turbulence. To be quite honest, I'm terrified of flying, which is probably why I love it so much. I'm kind of a masochist like that.

Airplane costume #1: (notice how nice the weather was before we left Fayetteville? Sneaky)
Sweater: F21
Boots: Blowfish 
Necklace: Vintage via my mom

There is little photographic evidence of the actual Dallas adventure. It consisted of amazing food, museums, and, of course, cute cats!!

Georgia, the newest addition to Philip & Shea's household:


The return trip went much more smoothly:

Recipe for a moment of perfect happiness:
1 cheap flight
1 tiny bag of peanuts (tiny food!!)
1 Cormac McCarthy novel
1 Jack & coke
0 turbulence

Blood Meridian actually reminded us that the last time we'd been to Tulsa was to see The Road over Christmas break. Now, I love (LOVE) Cormac McCarthy. I love how spare his writing is. Strangely, I love the same thing about Murakami Haruki. This similarity may, however, be an effect of not reading Murakami in Japanese. It's one of my life goals to read kanji well enough to read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle the way that Murakami wrote it. Not to mention 1Q84. When will they release an English translation already?! Absolute torture.
Anyway, McCarthy never overwrites, and I never thought that a film adaptation of any of his novels would be possible. The Coen brothers, however,  proved me so very wrong with No Country for Old Men. That film worked because it was, like McCarthy's writing, stark and full of silence. The film adaptation of The Road was just the opposite -  completely overwrought. Christian hadn't read the novel when we saw the film, and I wish I could remember how I'd explained my distaste at the time. Something about how McCarthy doesn't get in the way of his language or imagery. But the film adaptation tried to grab hold of , pin down, and explain events and emotions that should have been left alone to speak for themselves. And sniveling, annoying child actor was sniveling and annoying. Anyway, I'm obviously no film critic. I'm sure I'll think of a better way to say it at 3am. Back to frivolous things.

Airplane costume #2 (Sorry for the crap image quality - I left my Rebel with Dolly & only had my iPhone)

Dress: Target
Velvet blazer: Banana Republic
Shoes: Target (slip-ons are SO necessary for airport security lines)
Backpack: Nelson's Leather

Obi-style belt: LoobyLou Crafts 

Lastly, I checked a bag. This is a rare occurrence. Here is said bag (wrapped in plastic):
The surrounding circumstances will have to remain a mystery for now. I'll only say that it has something to do with fufu.


  1. The 'labels' are so stream of consciousness. I would like to add: hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants. Ask Red sometime, she'll explain.

    BTW: the recommendation for airfarewatchdog.com- genius! Heading out to Colorado Springs this weekend! さよなら!

  2. "Stream of consciousness" and "accurate" are not mutually exclusive! ;p
    Did you just get Colorado Springs tix on airfarewatchdog?! Sayonara 4 rill! I freakin love that site!

  3. So, this post reminds me of how much I want to buy vintage clothing online but how gun-shy I am about sizes. I'm a small-waisted, big-hipped lady so while 1950s styles are usually perfect, I still get a little nervous about all sales final purchases in sizes that are still unfamilar to me. Any advice on sizing for vintage wear?

  4. You are my kindred. I have the same body shape and the same issues with buying vintage. In my experience thus far, there's really no telling with sizes listed on the clothing - they vary by maker. Measurements are the way to go. Most of the time, though, if you want the 50s/early 60s vintage to fit the way it's "supposed" to, you gotta go with 50s/60s undergarments, too. There are still a couple of companies who are making lingerie just like they did back in the day. I like http://www.dollhousebettie.com/ and http://www.secretsinlace.com/
    That stuff is only fun to wear for so long, though.
    If you really buy something you regret (which I have been known to do), you can always resell on Etsy!

  5. I've been searching for an obi-inspired belt forever! And the etsy store is down. :(

  6. Ok, so, this is going to serve as a mini-rant about the stupidity of airport travel fashion. Call me old fashioned, but I believe that, as is the case with attending classes, pajamas are simply not an acceptable sartorial decision for appearance in public. Along that same vein, I would like to trash the velour track suit. This is a garment(s) that should be gathered together and melted into one big crucible of 'wtf were you thinking?!' and then reformed into, I dunno, umbrellas (at least that is the appropriate outlet for vinyl fabric). Across from me, as I sit in the Denver airport, is a woman wearing a purple velour track suit, studded with rhinestones in the shape of, what I can only guess was a failed attempt at Quetzalcoatl, because if it isn't, damn. She is also wearing coach shoes and a coach bag. This to me says 'look at me, I have money AND NO TASTE!' FNARG!

  7. Laine, undergarments. I have been contemplating this level of authenticity for some time. I wonder though, will I be undoing a half a century of progress by putting myself into one of those tortuous things?

  8. Ha! We can take 'em off whenever we want, though! That justifies it for me. This is, however, coming from someone who taught herself how to sew at 16 by tackling an Edwardian corset (which I still have). I just splurged on a steel-boned corset, actually. That stuff's fun when you're not obligated to wear it, I think.

  9. Also, Joan Holloway. That is all.
